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Privacy policy

Nippon Starch Chemical Co.,Ltd. will continue its activities in order to establish an appropriate personal information management system by setting the following policies regarding efforts to protect personal information.

Legal compliance
Regarding the handling of personal information, we will comply with laws and regulations and other norms.
Collection of personal information
When collecting personal information, we will clearly define the purpose and method of use within the scope of a legitimate business by legal and fair means, and collect information within the proper range.
Use and provision of personal information
As a general rule, personal information collected will not be used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was provided without the consent of the person in question. In addition, we will not provide or disclose to a third party without the consent of the individual.
Safety measure
We will strive to secure and improve security in order to manage personal information safely.
Continuous improvement
In order to effectively protect personal information, we will systematically review the system and management and strive for continuous improvement.

Contact for personal information
3-29, Mitsuyakita 3-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532- 0032 Japan